In 2020 and 2021 a small group of local Artists and Makers voluntarily organised and marketed self- funded annual Art Trails in the Huon Valley under the banner of TAMOH, Tasmanian Artists and Makers of the Huon, an Instagram account. It is important to note that TAMOH was not an incorporated body.
The 2020 trail was a response to help combat the economic impact of the Huon Valley fires and COVID 19 on professional artists and two key vineyards of the Valley. The event involved Home Hill Winery and Kate Hill Wines and 8 Artists, 4 on each side of the waterways between Deep Bay and Waterloo.
The 2021 Art and Away Art Trail encouraged visitors to stay longer and book ahead over a 3-day event, suggesting that travellers create their own long weekend in the Huon in November. This event involved Willie Smith’s Apple shed and Kate Hill Wines as entry points and 20 Artists, 10 studios either side of the waterways from Deep Bay to Surges Bay.
The Handmade in Cygnet Artists Trail which had run at Easter for 5 years ceased operation in 2019 due to the impact of COVID 19. These trails were limited to the Cygnet area and had been extremely successful.
In 2022 the Huon Valley Tourism Network, will auspice the management of the trail through the establishment of a co-opted Art Trail Sub Committee. HVTN will provide the bona fides of an ABN and Bank Account and has committed to support the project.
Last year the trail was highly successful with numbers attending but also to involve the whole of the Huon by involving the Far South community, Huonville/Grove to Geeveston and Cygnet and surrounds.
The purpose of establishing a Huon Valley-wide Art Trail, involving Far South, Dover to Grove and Cygnet & surrounds, is to raise the profile of the creative sector within the Huon Valley. We aim to give practising artists and makers an opportunity to showcase their place of work, engage new audiences, discuss and sell their work. A great opportunity to meet the maker, stay overnight, sample some great food and businesses whilst enjoying the beauty of the valley.”
For more information about the Huon Valley Studio Art Trail and upcoming events, contact the Huon Valley Studio Art Trail Sub-Committee by email:, or follow these links:
Instagram: @huonvalleystudioarttrail
or website:
A 2024 Huon Valley Studio Art Trail map will be available to help you find the artists, their studios and other participating businesses.