Feedback Information
Bronwyn Clarke Ceramics – Deep Bay
Coordinator – 2022 Huon Valley Artists & Makers Studio Trail
Thank you to all who sent feedback on the 2022 Huon Valley Artists & Makers Studio Trail.
We had excellent numbers through at Bronwyn Clarke Ceramics on Saturday (50+) and around a similar number in the afternoon on Sunday. Sales were very constant. I was not able to be present for most of the day on Sunday however did have a good chat to early comers on Saturday. My wholehearted thanks go to Sharon Ireland, Mary-Cate Pickett and my daughter Olivia who came over from New York on business and flew down to look after me.
I was really impressed with the fact that many of my visitors came from Hobart and it was good to see a few from previous years.
This date is certainly a keeper. Attached to the Hobart Show public holiday on the Thursday it would be good to claim the Trail Dates for 2023. Thursday 26 October is a public holiday for the Hobart Show.
All sides of the waterways were covered with studios to visit and I believe with a little bit of persuasion I am sure there will be others who will be prepared to join in, particularly further south.
Perhaps next time a return to 3 days 27, 28, 29 October 2023, to allow people to stay over in their shacks and accommodation and cover the whole Valley.
Next year it would be good to place early leads onwenfor the mainland mags and tour operators. Huon Valley Council has a particularly good connection with journalists/marketers for everything from QANTAS inflight to Country Life and more.
Well done everyone.
bale & bale – Furniture Design – Cygnet
I would say that most of our visitors came from Hobart. We had a couple who had timed their visit from the mainland to coincide with this event. They were visiting Tasmania last year and happened across it. This year they wanted to see some of the studios they hadn’t got around to last year. I did ask people about their trail intentions and they had either been to you or were on their way to see you in Deep Bay. We did have several people who had picked up the leaflets in Hobart and were targeting various studios. In fact several visitors had decided just to do the galleries and studios that they had not been to before which I thought was great – the word spreads.
- Ariel Korobacz – The Aurora Fae – Geeveston
A lovely day with some hustle and bustle.
The rain didn’t seem to keep folk from getting out.
Great feedback from people enjoying the program and all the studio visits.
- Bronwen Tait – Southport
We had a wonderful two days, meeting new people from Cygnet and Dover as well as new comers to Southport. I am so amazed at the wonderful support I had from the Southport community. Friday preview was a wonderful turn out from the Southport community, such appreciative response to the work and event, very positive. I had the opportunity to meet many other wonderful artists and potters, being my first exhibition in Tasmania I am surprised at the support from the artisan community. I am also amazed that I was constantly attending new people coming to see the work and studio. All in all it was wonderful to be a part of the event, and I hope to convey the moments we had throughout the Trail.

- Woof Gallery – Franklin
Woof Gallery had around 100 people through over the two days who were following the Trail. Possibly more on the Saturday than Sunday, but pretty close I’d say. Everyone seemed excited to see the studios and galleries/shops on the Trail, and were talking amongst themselves about their favourites while in my shop. It was a fabulous marketing and awareness raising event, which attracted primarily locals, many of who had not been into Woof Gallery previously. I also engaged a number of other customers who came into the shop over the weekend by asking if they were following the trail, and then showing them the map and providing details: a great response from all and many went on to further Trail locations. I was very impressed with the number of people who came along, it was a wonderful response, Thank You!! Whilst I made very few sales to Studio Trail followers that weekend, I am confident that I will have a lot of return custom now that people have seen the products for sale in Woof Gallery, and will return for gifts or with family, friends or visitors in the future.
Thank you so much again for the massive amount of work you did, and to your team of helpers. I wish you all the best with the challenges facing you, I hope you respond positively and quickly to your treatments.
You should be so proud. I am very grateful.
- Cuckoo etc – Cygnet
Weekend went well. Maybe around half of our visitors were following the trail which was good and there was definitely a good vibe.
Thanks for all your work.
Kind regards
Caroline & Emily
Dover History Group | ) |
The gallery had around 45 visitors over both days. While that may not sound like a lot. It actually is for us. We also took a few sales which is a bonus!
Thanks for letting us take part.
- Gallery in the Square – Huonville
I had about the same numbers, a few good sales of Kiminos and some nice comments. I think for me it will be word of mouth as obviously the numbers who drove to Geeveston didn’t stop here en route. Overall I am a happy Chappy and must compliment Bronwyn for her fine effort during hard times. Rossy
- Geeveston Town Hall & Visitors Centre
Hi Bronwyn and everyone involved in the art trail this weekend,
Firstly, congratulations Bronwyn on organising such a terrific event. The local cafes, shops and restaurants seem to have also had a good day!
At the Geeveston Town Hall Visitor Centre we had a terrific day with just under 460 visitors through the door with the majority following the art trail. Most were interstate visitors plus a lesser amount from greater Hobart. Those that were not aware of the trail quickly gained interest to visit additional locations during the weekend We ran out of the art trail maps in the afternoon but have managed to pick up some extra stock for tomorrow.
We have been able to provide Jack Braudis, Henrietta Manning, Kate Scarlet and Reuben Oates with some gallery space which has been well received by the visitors and our volunteers. Mikkris Gallery had a good day plus a good amount of interest in John Osbourne’s work.
Well done again for great organisation and marketing of the art trail.
Kind regards,
Susan Rollason
Operations Manager
Geeveston Town Hall Visitor Centre
Hi Everyone,
We had around 300 visitors through the doors on Sunday but still had a really good day. A good number were heading south and were going to visit the open studios as part of their trip. The team also assisted visitors with directions to the studios in and around Cygnet (including Richard Stanley and Bale & Bale as specific requests) and so it was good see the visitors were interested to explore both sides of the river.
I hope. you all have a relaxing Monday.
Kind regards,
Susan Rollason
Geeveston Town Hall Visitor Centre
Joanna Lawton |
Hi all,
Thanks for organising a successful event. The weather was pretty good down our way considering. I had about 25 people visit over the weekend. One group at a time was about all I could manage, I was pleased how it panned out over the weekend a few more would have been good, but I was happy with it considering the weather further north. That some people travelled further south was great its always a challenge. About half were from the south, the rest from the valley and 6 from Hobart .
Thanks again for organising this event I would participate again, it made me clean my studio and get organised and I enjoyed engaging people with my work, and I think they enjoyed the experience.
Lois Alexander – Deep Bay
Quite a busy weekend with around 40 through on Saturday and 20+ on Sunday.
People were very interested in the gypsy wagon and the art work so a
good experience, though not many sales.
Thanks for the opportunity,
Lois Alexander
Deep Bay
- Lovett Gallery
Yes, the perennial problem of getting people to find us! If only we could find that elusive Mary St. location..
Sunday was certainly better than Saturday, and the number of visitors (approx. 40) is above what I would have expected for a wet Sunday, so some people did find us. It was worthwhile for us anyway, we are leaving the display up for next weekend.
Richard Stanley
Great Success !
Thanks Bronwyn.
Your hard work has paid off.
I had twice as many people through today Sunday, from yesterday and double the sales. Cheers Richard Stanley
Soewn Earth – Tracy Willans
Hi Bronwyn
We will return the orange flag to Frank’s.
We will keep the bollards here if that’s ok.
We definitely want to be part of the Huon Valley Artists and Makers Studio Trail 2023 .
I had between 15 and 20 visitors.
Everyone was very appreciative. Some locals and some from Hobart and Gordon and a couple from Sydney who bought the piece in at Willie Smiths and some other items
So for me a very successful day
Barb Ramsay – Theedgeofnature
We had a fantastic day thank you.
Approximately 30 to 40 visitors.
Many started at Willie Smith’s.
5 new neighbours met today also. Good sales with promise of more tomorrow.
We definitely want to be part of the Huon Valley Artists and Makers Studio Trail 2023 .
Barb Ramsay
22-23 October 2022
An initiative proudly supported by the Huon Valley Tourism Network-
Please put the weekend aside to support our local Artists & Makers.
Please contact Bronwyn Clarke for details on arttrail@huonvalleytourism.org

Lysbeth Driessen Art 15 Twin Rivers Rd, Grove
Ninapatina Unit 10/14 – 20 Louisa Street, Ranelagh
Gallery in the Square 2768 Huon Highway, Huonville
The Edge of Nature 45 Smyley St Franklin
Woof Gallery 3426 Huon Highway Franklin
The Aurora Fae Gallery & Studio 22 Church Street, Geeveston
Geeveston Town Hall 15 Church Street Geeveston
Dr Sawfish Hot Glass Studio 4696 Huon Highway, Geeveston
Henrietta Manning Artist Studio Waterloo 57 Glocks Rd Waterloo
Christine Richardson Windflower Studio 17 Stella Court Surges Bay
Joanna Lawton Art 48 Ida Rd Dover
Tracy Willans Soewn Earth 7064 Huon Highway Dover
Dover Mueum & Gallery 6989 Huon Highway Dover
Bronwen Tait Art 8848 Huon Highway Southport
Stanley’s Studio & Gallery 7562 Channel Highway, Cygnet
Bronwyn Clarke Ceramics 9 Glovers Rd Deep Bay
Lois Alexander Artist 6757 Channel Highway Deep Bay
bale & bale Furniture Design 46A Lymington Rd Cygnet
Cuckoo etc Gallery & Gifts 17 Mary Street Cygnet
Cygnet Weaving Studio 23 Mary Street, Cygnet
Lovett Art Gallery 14 Mary Street Cygnet
Lysbeth Driessen
My one constant with my art career, is the passion for creating portrayals of the natural world.
New to my oeuvre, is the process of abstracting flora images.
Daily, we celebrate births, anniversaries, life’s events and deaths with flowers.
Abstraction, is a natural progression of style, as most artists creations become less literal with maturity.
My coloured brushstrokes, I intend as metaphors for pleasure, joy, change and hope.
Lysbeth Driessen

bale & bale – Furniture Design

bale & bale … we aim to work mostly in timber with a little inspiration.
That inspiration comes from our environment and the materials we use.
This year we are looking forward to presenting some new work: a dining table set of blackwood and huon pine, and a small exhibition of tube lights in a variety of timber species and sizes.
bale & bale Contact Details that can be used in publications:
Studio: bale & bale Pty Ltd
Names: Kim & Paul Bale
Address: 46A Lymington Road, Cygnet, Tas 7112 Contact Phone: 0466 788 604
Contact Email: info@baleandbale.com
Website: baleandbale.com
Instagram: bale_and_bale
Henrietta Manning – Studio Waterloo
A versatile artist, painting predominately from life, plein air and in the studio, series are developed for exhibition. Drawn to historic sites a recurring theme is the passage of time and how we live with and build upon the past. Recent work explores the Tasmanian Apple Industry. A finalist in art awards including Wynne, Glover, Portia Geach , Alice and Waterhouse.

Click on the link below to bring up the full map to be able to click on the addresses and locations.
Dr Sawfish – Craig Snell Glass


Huon Valley Artists & Makers Studio Trail Update 22 & 23 October 2022
The next step in the development of the 2022 HVA&MST event is the bedding in of the participants and the publishing of their images and stories on all media pages both print and digital.
We will be preparing a brochure with map and location details to enable visitors to plan ahead for accommodation as well as the studio and gallery visits. Check your diaries and highlight 22 & 23 October this year as your visit to the Huon Valley.
The organisers are thrilled to be bringing this event to your through the auspices of the Huon Valley Tourism Network. The Huon Valley Tourism Network is a voluntary incorporated tourism operators’ organisation which has strong support from Destination Southern Tasmania and Huon Valley Council.
Visitors will be able to follow the trail by locating these 1 metre high all weather signs located at the entrances of Artists, Makers and Local Shops and Galleries.

Artist Statement:
My work is a response to my environment, and currently that is the rugged landscape of the far south.
My practices include print making, oil painting, collage and digital art.
My studio is located in an old store room in the heritage listed Jetty House. It offers me beautiful views of the bay from the dormer windows as I work.
Bronwen Tait Shack, Kingfish Rd 59 cm x 42 cm

Ninapatina Unit 10/14 – 20 Louisa Street, Ranelagh
Gallery in the Square 2768 Huon Highway, Huonville
The Edge of Nature 45 Smyley St Franklin
Woof Gallery 3426 Huon Highway Franklin
The Aurora Fae Gallery & Studio 22 Church Street, Geeveston
Geeveston Town Hall 15 Church Street Geeveston
Dr Sawfish Hot Glass Studio 4696 Huon Highway, Geeveston
Henrietta Manning Artist Studio Waterloo 57 Glocks Rd Waterloo
Christine Richardson Windflower Studio 17 Stella Court Surges Bay
Joanna Lawton Art 48 Ida Rd Dover
Tracy Willans Soewn Earth 7064 Huon Highway Dover
Dover Mueum & Gallery 6989 Huon Highway Dover
Bronwen Tait Art 8848 Huon Highway Southport
Stanley’s Studio & Gallery 7562 Channel Highway, Cygnet
Bronwyn Clarke Ceramics 9 Glovers Rd Deep Bay
Lois Alexander Artist 6757 Channel Highway Deep Bay
bale & bale Furniture Design 46A Lymington Rd Cygnet
Cuckoo etc Gallery & Gifts 17 Mary Street Cygnet
Cygnet Weaving Studio 23 Mary Street, Cygnet
Lovett Art Gallery 14 Mary Street Cygnet
Christine Richardson Windflower Studio – Artists Statement
“I am a Watercolour and Acrylic Artist working from a studio room in my home. I paint flowers and plants and focusing on the variety of colours and fine details. My aim is not perfection but to celebrate the beauty of nature and bring joy, colour and a sense of peace into people’s rooms and lives”.

Where the River Meets the Sea Artist: Lois Alexander
Lois enjoys experimenting and using a range of media in her work, a result of being trained in many skills as an art teacher. Drawing is her favourite occupation and is the basis of all her work, which is semi-abstract in nature. She chooses her medium according to what she is trying to achieve, for example, using oils and water colour to capture the colours and changing light in the landscape or using mixed media to express something of the darkness and sombre history which underlies this place. She is inspired by artists such as Fred Williams, Brett Whiteley and Margaret Olley.

The Edge of Nature – Franklin
“We are inspired by the magnificent landscape around us here.The beauty of the Huon Valley and its changing seasonal appearance. The abundance of wildlife immediately in our home space that gives us ample opportunity to carve and sculpt with first hand experience.”

Bronwyn Clarke Ceramics

Bronwyn has a Gallery in Salamanca Arts Centre with her main workshop in Deep Bay, Huon Valley.

Joanna Lawton Artist

Joanna Lawton – Artist’s Statement
‘My work is to reenchant and remythologise the everyday, from the people in my imaginary world to the wild landscapes and ocean that surrounds me here in the far south. I use clay and the flotsam and jetsam from the tideline to ,work collaboratively and Intuitively to tell their story of underwater worlds ,great forests , islands ,mountains, sea and sky’.
Geeveston Town Hall & Visitors Centre
The Geeveston Town Hall Visitor Centre is located within a stunning red brick building in the centre of the town of Geeveston.
Open 7 days a week, from the moment you enter the knowledgeable and friendly volunteer staff provide visitors a warm welcome. They are ready and waiting to assist with information and are keen to share with you the quality local produce, artwork, books, maps, and guides.

Geeveston is known as the gateway to the southern forests and the Hartz Mountains National Park, a must-visit area within the Huon Valley.

2022 Huon Valley Artists & Makers Studio Trail 22 & 23 October
Click off the links below to go through to participants’ websites & social media
Lysbeth Driessen Art 15 Twin Rivers Rd, Grove
Ninapatina Unit 10/14 – 20 Louisa Street, Ranelagh
Gallery in the Square 2768 Huon Highway, Huonville
The Edge of Nature 45 Smyley St Franklin
Woof Gallery 3426 Huon Highway Franklin
The Aurora Fae Gallery & Studio 22 Church Street, Geeveston
Geeveston Town Hall 15 Church Street Geeveston
Dr Sawfish Hot Glass Studio 4696 Huon Highway, Geeveston
Henrietta Manning Artist Studio Waterloo 57 Glocks Rd Waterloo
Christine Richardson Windflower Studio 17 Stella Court Surges Bay
Joanna Lawton Art 48 Ida Rd Dover
Tracy Willans Soewn Earth 7064 Huon Highway Dover
Dover Mueum & Gallery 6989 Huon Highway Dover
Bronwen Tait Art 8848 Huon Highway Southport
Stanley’s Studio & Gallery 7562 Channel Highway, Cygnet
Bronwyn Clarke Ceramics 9 Glovers Rd Deep Bay
Lois Alexander Artist 6757 Channel Highway Deep Bay
bale & bale Furniture Design 46A Lymington Rd Cygnet
Cuckoo etc Gallery & Gifts 17 Mary Street Cygnet
Cygnet Weaving Studio 23 Mary Street, Cygnet
Lovett Art Gallery 14 Mary Street Cygnet
Keep these dates in your diary – 22 & 23 October 2022

Lovett Gallery Cygnet

Mary Ann Tandy’s art practice is based in Gardner’s Bay, Tasmania, however she is currently represented by the Lovett Gallery. While she works predominantly with oils, she often infuses charcoal, chalk pastels and ink into her images. She also occasionally employs a palette knife with a cold wax medium to create texture.
Instagram- m.a.tandy Email- maryann@guzzipark.com.au Mobile- 0428 971 500

Jen Beith – Leather – On show at Lovett Gallery, Cygnet
“I aim to push the limits of organic shapes in leather whilst still maintaining functionality, to create a unique piece each time. However I won First Prize in the 3D Section of the 2022 Huon Art Awards with a purely sculptural work”.
Dover Museum and Gallery

Kristie Knight
Self taught photographer, Kristie captures the beauty of the far south landscape, through her perspective and the lens.
Kristie celebrates her home town and her muse Adamson’s Peak, capturing the many different moods of the iconic mountain, through the seasons and times of day.

Robert Jackson

Andrew’s work is an ever emerging synthesis of influences from nature and ceramic culture from around the world. wWith a combination of a long and intensesive training and a gradual accumulation of experience.
Andrew’s extentive training includes Shiga Shigeo and Les Blakebrough in Australia, followed by five year stint in Japan first with Shimaoka Tatsuzo and then with Shimada Haruo.
Andrew lives and works in the far south of Tasmania in the small coastal village.
His approach to his ceramics is underpinned by this lifestyle and philosophy of living in harmony with nature.
Cygnet Weaving Studio
23 Mary Street Cygnet
Cygnet Weaving Studio features artists with a connection to the ancient craft of weaving. Showcasing works by:
Karen Grady & Vicki Taiwo Beckett, local weavers producing exquisite garments from Tasmanian natural fibres, showcasing the use of unique colour, texture and design in every piece. Along with, Heather Mikkelsen, mixed media artist focusing on art to wear, using recycled and found objects.
1: Vicki Taiwo Beckett, Woven Garment & Scarf
2: Inside the Cygnet Weaving Studio
3; Karen Grady, Woven Alpaca Pooling Colour Opposites Wrap
4: Vicki Taiwo Beckett, Cygnet Tartan
5: Heather Mikkelsen, Handwoven silver on found fragments.